Who Looks At This Blog, Anyway?

The dangers of ignoring plugin requirements

So I am a naturally curious person. I can see some rough view numbers for this blog on the admin dashboard, but I was hoping for better view stats. So I went snooping around in the plugins section.

I found the official Grav Views plugin, and thought: Great, let's go!

Dear viewer: always read the documentation.

Just clicking on "Install" turned my blog into a incredibly detailed error message about how it couldn't connect to a Database that I hadn't installed. Well, that's embarrassing! Time to RTFM.

Turns out I needed to bring in both SQLite 3 and the PHP PDO stack for SQLite 3. Two simple apt-gets (sudo apt install php-pdo and sudo apt install php7.4-sqlite3) followed by a restart of PHP FPM and now Grav is happily stashing view information into a SQLite database someplace!

Lesson learned, don't go installing plugins willy-nilly!

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