Well, now that I have this thing, I guess I should make it more blog-like, right?

Thankfully there is a lot of sites dedicated to configuring Grav as a blog, so a simple Bing found me this one, and it was pretty helpful!

I've added the Pagination plug-in (important if this blog gets any use), A simple Search plug-in and Disqus comments on posts (that can be disabled per-post, nice!) I think I am going to stick with the theme I have currently (Future2021 by Pedro Moreno) as it's clean and keeps the content up front, but since installing themes is so easy (the only catch is having to edit item.html.twig for any theme I install to bring the Disqus comments to it) I can change it up whenever I feel like it!

Since there are comments on the blog now, is there anything that you would like to see added, plug-in or theme wise?

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