
So I have been having a rough go at running a blog lately.

Running a self-hosted Ghost install turned out to be an exercise in extreme frustration, and ended in a VERY satisfying ghost uninstall. But the blog bug had bitten me. I needed to self host a blog that I could ignore after an initia...

Welcome back to the ScummBlog!

After FAR too long of languishing un-updated, the ScummBlog returns with a shiny new Grav backend! I enjoy the simplicity of its flat file structure, so far.

I will repost the few blog posts that existed on my now deleted with extreme prejudice Ghost install....

Every time Apple pushes out a new version of OSX (I guess they call it "macOS" now...) I end up with headaches. Their update system is so needlessly borked.

Having two Apple computers for work, I have to jump through manifold hoops to get everything happy. The Macbook Pro isn't usually a problem...

So I recently heard about Ghost and it intrigued me. I have been many moons blogless, and this looks like a really neat platform to try to get back on that particular horse. Expect nerdery galore!

2022 update - Ghost ended up doing me dirty.